Thursday, April 13, 2023

Critical Reflection

He Was A Skater Boi Distribution Project Folder (Google Drive)

Creative Critical Reflection

The trailers for “He Was A Skater Boi” provides a hopeful love story that reflects diversity among the strong latin cast and crew. This diversity  is shown by the actors’ names as well as the characters' last names in the production. For instance, with last names included in the poster such as “Rivero”, “Perez”, “Tavares” and even Staab (which is European), it is hard not to notice the representation of minority groups that takes place in this production. 

For this production, I found it absolutely crucial to use typical conventions associated with romantic comedies. I challenged a few conventions by adding my own twist to it, but ultimately stayed true to my genre. My target audience are 12-24 year old females. This age group watches this genre as a distraction from reality. They want a good, cheesy love story with beautiful music and to get emotionally involved in the story. This is not a postmodernist piece; people find comfort in conventions and that is what I aimed to do in my project for the most part.

I watched countless trailers in the 8 weeks that I was working on this project such as “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”, “She’s The Man”, “A Cinderella Story”, etc.  I learned that most romcom trailers use cheezy transitions such as wipe and split screen so I made sure to include plenty of those in my trailer. I also kept the location in a school like setting as well as a park and bedroom since that is where most of the characters spend their time. 

One convention I did challenge in my project, however, is the point of view. Typically, romcoms follow a woman’s point of view as opposed to a man’s point of view as the targeted audience is young females. Instead of following the conventions for this, I decided to make my trailers focus on both points of view. The first trailer focuses on the character development and point of view of the female while the second trailer focuses on the character development and point of view of the male. I did this because I have seen a lot of Romantic Comedies and have noticed that a lot of them are one sided and only told from the female's perspective. When you look at it marketing wise, it makes sense, but I also believe that seeing both sides of the story is also important and will appeal to many people.

On top of viewing trailers, I also took inspiration from some of my favorite Romantic Comedy movie posters. I noticed in the posters that Arial, Futura, Times New Roman and a combination of black and bright colors with an awkward photo are used for the poster so I did just that. I placed my actors in a position that would go well with the movie and highlighted the fact that the girl is into the boy while he obviously is not. My posters consisted of a Futura Black font in a color similar to maroon. I kept the “He Was A” in black and “Skater Boi” in red to make it pop out. I also noticed that there is often a different background on the poster than what it was when the original photo was taken. I had a pretty sunset in the original photo that I thought would go nice but ultimately ended up going in the direction of an edited background. To keep the sunset colors, however, I created an ombre look of yellow and orange. 

I also kept a sunset ombre color palette for my brand on instagram. I wanted to reinforce the fact that this is a fun and carefree movie to watch. Since most romcoms stick with pink and red colors I decided that it was one of the colors that I had to borrow for my instagram posts. I also went with red, orange and yellow with the color palette because I wanted to have continuity for the colors used in the title but still use more of a neutral tone for the movie instead of just a female one of pink. Even though it is an early 2000s style movie, we are still in the 21st century and things are not just pink and blue anymore; I wanted to create a sense of openness. I used yellow when introducing the photo of McKenzie because even though she can be delusional at times, I wanted to represent the optimistic and hopeful personality that she has. Nick is introduced with the color red because it is associated with love and danger at the same time which I feel represents Nick pretty well. He is mysterious yet he learns he is capable of love during this movie which he didn’t think he was capable of in the beginning. Jake and Sophie, however, are introduced with the color orange because they are positive, friendly and calm throughout the movie. They do not go through any major character developments, they are just there.

On the topic of instagram, I was able to engage with my target audience through posts and stories that included polls, meet the cast, cast takeover days, etc. I included hashtags as one would normally do if they were promoting a movie and even had some strangers liking it which I thought was really funny. This also made me feel that I did a good job on my end if other people are enjoying the content I am putting up.

Upon reflection, after the many weeks I spent working on this project, I look back and there are many things I would have changed. My goal for this year's project was to be open-minded as to the direction I wanted it to go and to not procrastinate. I ended up procrastinating a lot and I was very stressed at the end when I rushed to finish the project. I also think that my Instagram could have definitely been worked on. I loved the interaction with the “fans” but I think that the original color palette(s) for my brand could have been worked on. I liked the idea of the colorful ombre pastel look but ultimately with everything posted, I did not love the way it came out. I think that if I had stuck to one palette instead of the broad pastel ombre idea, it would have come out looking a lot nicer. I ended up redoing the entire social media page before submission and stuck with the colors red, orange and yellow. I was a little worried that because I redid the color palette, all of the posts would have the same date on it and I would get points off for not doing it spread out but I realized that I had my blog posts that I could use to show that I did the work. Overall, I learned a lot and had fun working on this project! I am glad I worked alone and am proud of what I created.


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Distribution Project!

 The project is finally here! I hope you enjoy!  He Was A Skater Boi Distribution Project Folder (Google Drive) He Was A Skater Boi (Trailer...