Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Storyline Ideas


A little update: 

I did reach out to potential actors and they told me they would totally be up to helping me with this project. The only thing is they need to know the dates ASAP so they can start putting it in their schedules  (which I hope to establish later this week or beginning of next week latest). I actually met these two actors back in theatre I was a freshman, so I know they're incredible actors and I am glad they agreed to be in my trailer(s).

The story consists of a boy named Nick who keeps trying to ask out new (yet already popular) cheerleader Mckenzie. However, Mckenzie has made it clear from the beginning that she is not interested. Eventually, as time goes on Mckenzie realizes that all the boys she has dated or almost dated didn't treat anywhere near as nice as Nick has.

As far as the storyline goes, I am still working on it... I know the general idea but I need to begin jotting down potential scenes. I have some ideas below: 

idea #1: 

In the season of prom, maybe Nick could have a very big cheezy promposal (at a football game maybe) and Mckenzie turns him down embarrassed. Since she is a cheerleader, she would have to be at the game anyways so it could totally work out if I plan this well enough. Nick could ask a classmate on the football team for a favor and he helps him out with the promposal. I just realized that football season is in the fall and prom is around Spring, so that wouldn't work. Instead, it would have to be a spring sport such as lacrosse. 

*** I had an idea while coming up with potential scenes. I was thinking that the scenes can each take place during different seasons. The only thing I can think of right now is the scene in "Notting Hill" but I need to create my own twist on it. This could be Mckenzie realizing she is into Nick or it can be a very dramatic scene of Nick continuing to ask out Mckenzie during differenet seasons***

idea #2: 

Since it was Valentine's Day a little over a week ago, Nick could bring Mckenzie a huge bouquet of flowers to school or send a bunch of them to her house. I think if I include something similar to the "1,000 yellow daisies" from Gilmore Girls, it would come out really cute. For context,  Lorelai's boyfriend Max sent her "1,000 yellow daisies" when she blurted out that she wanted a big romantic proper proposal as opposed to the very casual way he proposed to her.

“There should be a thousand yellow daisies, and candles, and a horse, and I don’t know what the horse is doing there unless you’re riding it, which seems a little over-the-top…”

I would not be able to afford 1,000 yellow daisies or have an idea where to put them, but I think I can work something with that and it would really help the progression of the trailer. 

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