Sunday, February 12, 2023


 Hello, it's been a minute but I am back. We have officially started our portfolio projects! I want to work alone because I feel that I would have more creative freedom and do not need to deal with my way or the highway attitude I have dealt with on past group projects. 

I decided to go with the distribution project which consists of 2 trailers, a poster and a distribution plan. I am still brainstorming on what genre or storyline to go with but I am getting there little by little. Some genres I am thinking of are: 

  • early 2000 cheesy comedies
  • horror or thriller 
  • drama

For an early 2000s cheesy comedy I was going for something with inspiration from the movie: Hitch (Hitch trailer). I could use the dramatic voiceover, quirky music, etc. I could probably do it about a boy trying to either win a girl back or ask her out and her continuing to turn him down. He could go through ridiculous measures but she refuses to give him a chance and turns into a joke throughout the movie. 

I didn't know that there was a difference between the horror and thriller genres up until today. From what I understood, horror works to create fear while thriller works to create suspense and excitement. I could go the serial killer route but I feel that it is a very repetitive storyline and I would need something to differentiate my film from everybody else's. 

I have no idea what to start with these genres but I did see a project we did for trailers in which my classmates did a horror trailer and it came out amazing. I think it would be fun to explore these genres, however, because it's not really my go to genres for these projects and I could learn a lot and have fun. 

Back in October, we did a halloween challenge which I personally loved. We picked a topic out of a hat and had half of a period to plan and the following class (Halloween day) was for filming and editing. I worked with Vanessa Yanes and Nethumi Ratnayake on "urban legends" so we decided to go with the classic Bloody Mary. It was cheesy but so much fun to do and that's why I included it here because I want to be able to rewatch it and remind myself how much fun it was in case I get frustrated and forget to have fun and give this project my all (Halloween challenge). 

I'll update you later, 


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Distribution Project!

 The project is finally here! I hope you enjoy!  He Was A Skater Boi Distribution Project Folder (Google Drive) He Was A Skater Boi (Trailer...