Sunday, March 12, 2023

Location Scouting and More


Unfortunately, my actors had last minute plans that got in the way of filming today. I will likely film on Tuesday but am now having issues with my actor for Nick so I might replace the actor altogether since they don't seem like they're fully committed. I am planning on filming trailer #1 before spring break and hopefully edit it during break little by little.

As far as location scouting goes, my locations are pretty basic. I am planning on filming in my room, my friend Isa's room (she plays McKenzie), my brother's room and whoever ends up playing Nick. The scenes such as the football game can be filmed at the bleachers at school and the scenes walking can be filmed here in my neighborhood. 

I included a few photos below...I am in the process of moving rooms and getting new furniture so I only included a few photos for my room... 

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