Saturday, February 25, 2023

Brainstorming potential shot list trailer 2


In the last blog post, I jotted down potential shots for the opening scene of the first trailer. Today, I thought I could do the same thing but in reverse for the second character.

  • The trailer could open up on a tracking shot of Nick running down the stairs/ across the hallway

  • There could be rock music blasting either on a speaker, through Nick's headphones or just that the audience hears as a Point of view shot is shown of ick trying to find and remember where he last put his dog's breakfast/looks for his own cereal. 

  • point of view shot of Nick closing the door to his house and yelling goodbye to his parents as he hops on his skateboard and skates on the sidewalk while greeting his neighbor who is fixing up their garden. This would be a perfect moment for tracking shots and/or jump cuts.

  • Eventually, Nick's friend (still unnamed at the moment) runs out to meet him as Nick is about to pass his house. There could be a shaky camera used to show the realness of Nick's friend running and out of breath because he's late

  • A long shot of Nick skating to meet his friend asking what took him so long. 

  • A back and forth mid shot, point of view shot and close up can be used in which the boys have a conversation about their plans for the rest of the day (skate rink, seeing a band, etc.)

  • A longshot could take place showing Mckenzie and her friend walking on the other side of the street and waving as soon as he realizes Mckenzie's there. 

  • There can then be a shot that immediately witches to a close-up of Nick's friend's face of disapproval. His friend asks him why he's going after this girl when there are so many other girls he can go for that are interested in him as opposed to Mckenzie.. 

  • A point of view from Nick's friend's perspective looking at Nick then switches to a close up of Nick as he explains that he is in love with the girl and plans to do everything in his power to make her love him back. 

I was thinking this is when the cheezy screen with text and possibly voiceover comes in asking something along the lines of "Will Nick finally get the girl of his dreams? Or will she continue to overlook him?"

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