Sunday, April 2, 2023

FIlming and Poster ideas

 So far, I am very happy with the way filming went last night. I am still in the process of editing, and seeing if anything else needs to be reshot but I think for the most part I got the footage I needed. 

Since I had focused on trailer #1 up until this point and the boys were not really needed until now, I had one of my friends come over to play the role of Jake last night. He completely forgot he had made plans to film and realized last minute when I called him. He ended up not being able to come and it was a mess trying to find somebody. 

Since my friend who plays "McKenzie" is in our school television network and has a competition this week, she would not have been able to film anything until Friday evening and I leave Friday morning for the weekends since it is both Easter weekends and my Grandmother's 80th birthday. 

I was calling everybody that I knew to try to be in my trailer last minute and nobody was able to come in time. Since everybody was already ready at my house, I decided to try my neighbor and ask if he'd be up for it and he said yes! So, there was a last minute addition to the cast: Santiago Rivero. I was a little worried that he wouldn't really fit the character but since the friend is a supporting role, it ended up being alright. He made into the group photo which I posted yesterday right after taking the photos. However, if you'd like to see the photo, I attached it below. 

I also took the photo for the movie poster! Since most posters for my convention that I was looking at have an "awkward" position for the photo, I decided to go for the same on mine. Due to the fact that most of the trailer consists of the girl (McKenzie) in love with the guy (Nick) and he makes it clear that he doesn't feel the same way, I wanted to go with a look that shows his confused face while she's giving him romantic looks.  I originally wanted it to be something along the lines of McKenzie leaning over and hugging Nick and Nick gives an awkward "I don

't want to be here "face but my actress said she didn't feel comfortable doing that. We ended up going for this look which I think came out perfect due to the awkward pose and sunset in the back. I still need to edit the photo and then make it a poster. I have some ideas for the color and font but I will play around with it later today or tomorrow in class. However, I decided to include the photo below.

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