Saturday, February 25, 2023

Brainstorming potential shot list trailer 2


In the last blog post, I jotted down potential shots for the opening scene of the first trailer. Today, I thought I could do the same thing but in reverse for the second character.

  • The trailer could open up on a tracking shot of Nick running down the stairs/ across the hallway

  • There could be rock music blasting either on a speaker, through Nick's headphones or just that the audience hears as a Point of view shot is shown of ick trying to find and remember where he last put his dog's breakfast/looks for his own cereal. 

  • point of view shot of Nick closing the door to his house and yelling goodbye to his parents as he hops on his skateboard and skates on the sidewalk while greeting his neighbor who is fixing up their garden. This would be a perfect moment for tracking shots and/or jump cuts.

  • Eventually, Nick's friend (still unnamed at the moment) runs out to meet him as Nick is about to pass his house. There could be a shaky camera used to show the realness of Nick's friend running and out of breath because he's late

  • A long shot of Nick skating to meet his friend asking what took him so long. 

  • A back and forth mid shot, point of view shot and close up can be used in which the boys have a conversation about their plans for the rest of the day (skate rink, seeing a band, etc.)

  • A longshot could take place showing Mckenzie and her friend walking on the other side of the street and waving as soon as he realizes Mckenzie's there. 

  • There can then be a shot that immediately witches to a close-up of Nick's friend's face of disapproval. His friend asks him why he's going after this girl when there are so many other girls he can go for that are interested in him as opposed to Mckenzie.. 

  • A point of view from Nick's friend's perspective looking at Nick then switches to a close up of Nick as he explains that he is in love with the girl and plans to do everything in his power to make her love him back. 

I was thinking this is when the cheezy screen with text and possibly voiceover comes in asking something along the lines of "Will Nick finally get the girl of his dreams? Or will she continue to overlook him?"

Friday, February 24, 2023

brainstorming potential shots list trailer 1


I haven't fully decided what scenes I am including in the trailer(s) but I decided to start putting together the trailer 1 shots list for now and see where it takes me.

For trailer 1, I was thinking I could focus more on character development. Or maybe both the trailers are about character development but they're told from a different point of view and narrated by different characters. The first one can have a voiceover by Mckenzie and the second one by Nick. As I am typing, I am realizing it would be somewhat similar to the movie Flipped. A little over half of the movie is told through Julie's perspective while the end is told through the perspective of Bryce. It's actually a similar storyline (I just realized) in the sense that Julie has been in love with Bryce since they met as kids but he doesn't feel the same way. Eventually, Julie gives up and is not interested in Bryce anymore. Ironically, at the same time, Bryce begins to realize he is falling for Julie Baker. 

  • The trailer could open up on the typical scene of a girl finishing up her hair/makeup as her parents call her telling her she's gonna be late for school. This can be filmed through the point of view from the mirror in which Mckenzie talks to as an interview in a way. 

  • Eventually, Mckenzie goes downstairs and a knock is heard at the door from her friend to walk to school together. 

  • This can be a Point of view shot and then a tracking shot and Mckenzie goes to get the door.

  • A mid shot can then take place of the girls hugging and saying good morning to each other.

  • Another mid shot except a little zoomed out this time can take place with a combination of a pov shot in which Mckenzie gets a piece of toast or bagel on her way out for school and saying bye to her parents. 

  • A longshot can then take place between Mckenzie and her friend as they walk far away from the house. 

  • The next scene switches between mid shots and point of view shots of the girls having a conversation.

  • A longshot could also take place showing Nick and his friend walking on the other side of the street and waving as soon as he realizes who's there. 

  • A longshot of Mckenzie and her friend could show them waving back and switches to a close-up of Mckenzie's face of disgust. 

  • A point of view of Mckenzie looking at her friend switches to a close up of her friend asking what's wrong and why she is so fast to shut out Nick. Her friend tries to urge her to pursue Nick but Mckenzie refuses. 

The rest of the scenes I will work on later but I think this is a good starting spot.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

More Ideas

Hello, I've got more ideas for the project!

idea #3: 

I could do one scene at an ice cream shop (closest one is  probably Cold Stone). They could run into each other at the ice cream shop and Nick insists on paying for Mckenzie's ice cream but she refuses. After wasting what seems like forever, Mckenzie accepts him buying ice cream for her and thanks him before walking away. 

idea #4

Since I am 100% a booklover at heart, I think there could be a cute scene at a bookshop. I was just in Coconut Grove last weekend and there was a woman selling pink roses (very expensive but I bought one anyways because I have a weak spot for roses). Later on in the night, we stopped by this gorgeous bookshop that had a big window on the second story that could be used to see out to the rest of the lightly lit street. The bookshop also had the cute wooden ladders that can be rolled to reach any book possible (but I couldn't use it because it was only for employees). I did end up taking a photo featuring the rose but with the books in the background which I thought was cute. I attached it below.... If Nick could help Mckenzie reach for a book since he is taller than her, I think that would be cute. It can be a book they learn in that moment they both enjoy (a classic such as The Catcher in The Rye) where Mckenzie has the realization that they are more similar than she originally thought). 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Storyline Ideas


A little update: 

I did reach out to potential actors and they told me they would totally be up to helping me with this project. The only thing is they need to know the dates ASAP so they can start putting it in their schedules  (which I hope to establish later this week or beginning of next week latest). I actually met these two actors back in theatre I was a freshman, so I know they're incredible actors and I am glad they agreed to be in my trailer(s).

The story consists of a boy named Nick who keeps trying to ask out new (yet already popular) cheerleader Mckenzie. However, Mckenzie has made it clear from the beginning that she is not interested. Eventually, as time goes on Mckenzie realizes that all the boys she has dated or almost dated didn't treat anywhere near as nice as Nick has.

As far as the storyline goes, I am still working on it... I know the general idea but I need to begin jotting down potential scenes. I have some ideas below: 

idea #1: 

In the season of prom, maybe Nick could have a very big cheezy promposal (at a football game maybe) and Mckenzie turns him down embarrassed. Since she is a cheerleader, she would have to be at the game anyways so it could totally work out if I plan this well enough. Nick could ask a classmate on the football team for a favor and he helps him out with the promposal. I just realized that football season is in the fall and prom is around Spring, so that wouldn't work. Instead, it would have to be a spring sport such as lacrosse. 

*** I had an idea while coming up with potential scenes. I was thinking that the scenes can each take place during different seasons. The only thing I can think of right now is the scene in "Notting Hill" but I need to create my own twist on it. This could be Mckenzie realizing she is into Nick or it can be a very dramatic scene of Nick continuing to ask out Mckenzie during differenet seasons***

idea #2: 

Since it was Valentine's Day a little over a week ago, Nick could bring Mckenzie a huge bouquet of flowers to school or send a bunch of them to her house. I think if I include something similar to the "1,000 yellow daisies" from Gilmore Girls, it would come out really cute. For context,  Lorelai's boyfriend Max sent her "1,000 yellow daisies" when she blurted out that she wanted a big romantic proper proposal as opposed to the very casual way he proposed to her.

“There should be a thousand yellow daisies, and candles, and a horse, and I don’t know what the horse is doing there unless you’re riding it, which seems a little over-the-top…”

I would not be able to afford 1,000 yellow daisies or have an idea where to put them, but I think I can work something with that and it would really help the progression of the trailer. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023


 I haven't full decided what I wanted to do for my character so it is very much a possibility that I redo these moodboards later on but I just wanted to have something for now to work from. For now, I am thinking of naming the boy Nick and the girl Mckenzie (again, this might change). 

This is what I have so far...

I thought of Mckenzie as a girl from New York City who deals with a pretty heavy move since her parents' job. She is very artsy as shown by the paint, flowers and fancy outfits. I wanted her to have a change of personality when she got to her new school. She's the new girl and everybody wants to be her friends including the popular girls who convince her to join the cheerleading team and drag her along with them to parties. Her dream school is Columbia University since its back home and her parents went there so she works very hard to be top of her class even at this new school. 

Nick is a skateboarder who often feels like an outsider since its a small town and he did not grow up with the kids his age. He has one best friend but other than that is antisocial. Nick is from Manchester and moved there a few years ago. He has a little brother he plays soccer with whenever he can. Nick wants to be a writer but does not care about school unless it is English. He enjoys books because when he moved he spent most of his days at a local bookstore which helped him get over his homesickness. However, Nick feels that he is missing something: love and goes to ridiculous extremes to try to find it with Mckenzie. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Genre Research

The RomCom Formula

 "Romantic comedies are like cinemas' junk food". These very unrealistic movies often consist of two love interests typically that come from different worlds or get off on the wrong foot. Their relationship often creates a thin line between love and hate. 

Sometimes there are Rom Com tropes. Some of these include "enemies to lovers", "best friends to lovers", "bad timing", etc. The plot often consists of a big misunderstanding (such as a major lie) but evolves into a moment in which one of (if not both) feel like they can be honest and/or vulnerable with the other. 

Many of the reasons behind a romcom are a bet (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days),  an obsession with the other (Notting Hill), etc. There has to be a meet cute within the movie. This may or may not be included within the trailer (or maybe one of them). This is a cute way in which the characters are introduced to each other. This can be at a coffee shop, bookshop, bumping into each other, etc. 

There has to be one big moment (usually in the end) in which the couple declares their love (ie. kissing in the rain). This is the predictable side of these movies, the reason why people find comfort in these movies (they all end the same). In the trailer maybe a scene such as the characters kissing in the rain could be shown. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Inspiration part 2

This trailer seems very upbeat with very fast cuts. Voiceover continues throughout the trailer as the 2 point of view shots occur in which the 2 characters pass each other in the hall. The actors' names do not come up in the trailer; the only text displayed is the title which looks like something that would show up in a Watchmojo YouTube video. 

The second trailer is more Kat in her rebel stage compared to a mostly romance trailer in trailer 1. The fast cuts continue a little bit but nowhere near the amount of the first trailer. It focuses more on character development which is something I plan on doing in one of my trailers. There was an interview-like scene which could be used in my trailer maybe but I don't fully know if I love it or hate it. I didn't love this movie as an example but I was able to get a few notes about it. 

This trailer has a voiceover by Andie Anderson. The text is white typically with a dark (mostly black) background and has little sentences to hook the audience throughout different scenes. The man's voiceover does occur at the end of the trailer, however.

The second trailer in my opinion is more about character development compared to the first one. It was nearly 30 seconds shorter that the first one. The font for the title in the second trailer is super fun and different colors. For some reason, the first trailer felt very long. I do not want my trailer to feel super short but I do not want it so boring and repetitive that it feels like it never ends so I need to find a good in between. 

Immediately, text was introduced (the text being in a super fancy, cursive font) and the voiceover. There's quirky transitions being used such as the wobble and page flip transition. The text then changes to a blue bold font to mention movies that have been directed by the same person (ex Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride). I also noticed a zoom in as Mia says "SHUT UP" when learning she is a princess. 

The voiceover is consistent as well as the music pertaining to the time (switches between 3 or 4 different songs). A lot of the techniques used in this trailer were used in previous trailers so it's hard to mention different things. I did like the short little sentences throughout the trailer and plan to use it in mine. 

I liked the split screen in which 4 different scenes are placed on one screen with the little text. I noticed quite a few arc shots which would be cool and interesting to integrate in my trailer in an awkward or funny scene. This trailer definitely had the fun, engaging feel to it as a result of the music, shots and text.The second trailer was only a minute (it felt more like a teaser) so I do not know if I am required to do a minimum of 2 minutes each trailer or what.  

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Hello all! I think I got my idea for the project... I believe I want to go with the early 2000s comedy because its quirky and a fan favorite. I could have an older soundtrack (or maybe even make my own?) and edit/shoot in a very early 2000s way. Some movies I am using as inspiration are:

  • She's The Man (2006) 
  • What a Girl Wants (2003)
  • A Cinderella Story (2004)
  • 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
  • How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
  • Princess Diaries (2001)
  • Hitch (2005)
  • Made of Honor (2008)

I included the links for the trailers on YouTube below. I tried to include two trailers because I wanted to be able to compare them since I need to film 2 trailers for the project. 

She's The Man (trailer 1)

She's The Man (trailer 2)

One of the first things I noticed while watching these trailers was the voice over. The first trailer had a lot of mid shots, cursive and fancy fonts when displaying the female characters' names and bold print fonts for the male characters'.  I also noticed that when it came down to displaying the actors' names, the first name was in white while the last name was in yellow bold font. 

Both trailers ultimately had the same opening scenes but then once that scenes finishes the content changes; only a few scenes are repeated throughout both trailers. The first trailer is more family-oriented while the second trailer is more athletic-driven and "girl power". The fonts in the title screen are also very different. The colors schemes are fairly similar, it's just different fonts. 

What a Girl Wants (trailer 1)

What a Girl Wants (trailer 2)

While watching the first trailer, it was obvious that the voiceover continues throughout both movies (making it a genre characteristic). There's a lot of fast forwarded shots and it's mostly edited in a fun, quirky way. I noticed a few fade outs and thin, yellow cursive-like font when displaying Warner Brother Pictures as well as the name of the movie. I was surprised that when saying the actors' names, their name did not come up on the screen. There was also film after the title came up which is important to note since I will likely choose to do as well.

The second trailer starts in the main characters' voice as a first person point of view narration showing different scenes zooming into her face. The music is very dramatic and goes well with the voiceover. The same font is used for the Warner Brothers Studio however this time the names of the actors show up immediately after in the same font.

A Cinderella Story (trailer 1)

A Cinderella Story (trailer 2)

The voiceover in this trailer is a lot deeper than the rest. I noticed a bunch of foley sounds used. The pop music continues even when the voiceover is present. There's very poppy fonts used and there was no film after the title screen which was different from the past 2 movie trailers I've viewed. 

This trailer is very poor quality but you can still view the trailer so it's fine. I noticed a lot of tracking shots in the beginning between the two main characters. There's also fast forward edited shots which is consistent with the last trailer. The text for the actors' names are dependent on the gender (blue for Chad and pink for Hillary). 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Portfolio project schedule

Hello, I am back!

Since this is only the first week of the project, I am trying to come up with a plan for each week so I do not fall behind. Last year I definitely fell behind and the end of the video was shot last minute which ended up being a mess because Mother Nature did not agree with the timing and it was super windy out. This year, I hope to stick to my schedule and not fall behind. I will be working alone so it will be easier to work on the project since I will not be depending on anybody else's help. 

I made a schedule for my project as a I saw fit depending on things like AICE exams, my birthday week, spring break, etc. This is (hopefully) the plan....

  •  Week One (2/7-2/13)
    • two postings
    • Begin brainstorming what project I want to do as well as a genre

  • Week Two (2/14-2/19
    • four posting
    • Once I have picked a genre, research that genre
      • watch trailers on Youtube
      • google typical techniques used for that genre 
    • Start thinking of a possible storyline 
      • moodboards for characters

  • Week Three (2/20-2/26)
    • four postings 
    • finalize story
    • begin drawing storyboards
    • Begin listing the shots

  • Week Four (2/27-3/5)
    • four postings
    • reach out to potential actors
    • order any props I need
    • Come up with potential shooting schedule (ie. film this that day...)

  • Week Five (3/6-3/12)
    • four posting
    • Begin shooting
    • Begin editing as I shoot 

  • Week Six (3/13-3/19)
    • four postings
    • My birthday week 
    • beginning of spring break
    • Shooting
    • editing as I go along

  • Week Seven(3/20-3/26)
    • three postings
    • Spring break
    • movie poster
    • distribution plan 

  • Week Eight (3/27-4/2)
    • Three postings
    • Shoot anything leftover or anything that I want to add based off what I have been editing
    • Edit any final last minute scenes if necessary (hopefully it will not come to this)

  • Week Nine (4/3-4/9)
    • Three postings
    • Peer reviews 
    • Make any additional changes based on peer reviews
    • Do CCR

  • Week ten (4/10-4/13)
    • Three final posts
    • Finish CCR 
    • Submit!

Sunday, February 12, 2023


 Hello, it's been a minute but I am back. We have officially started our portfolio projects! I want to work alone because I feel that I would have more creative freedom and do not need to deal with my way or the highway attitude I have dealt with on past group projects. 

I decided to go with the distribution project which consists of 2 trailers, a poster and a distribution plan. I am still brainstorming on what genre or storyline to go with but I am getting there little by little. Some genres I am thinking of are: 

  • early 2000 cheesy comedies
  • horror or thriller 
  • drama

For an early 2000s cheesy comedy I was going for something with inspiration from the movie: Hitch (Hitch trailer). I could use the dramatic voiceover, quirky music, etc. I could probably do it about a boy trying to either win a girl back or ask her out and her continuing to turn him down. He could go through ridiculous measures but she refuses to give him a chance and turns into a joke throughout the movie. 

I didn't know that there was a difference between the horror and thriller genres up until today. From what I understood, horror works to create fear while thriller works to create suspense and excitement. I could go the serial killer route but I feel that it is a very repetitive storyline and I would need something to differentiate my film from everybody else's. 

I have no idea what to start with these genres but I did see a project we did for trailers in which my classmates did a horror trailer and it came out amazing. I think it would be fun to explore these genres, however, because it's not really my go to genres for these projects and I could learn a lot and have fun. 

Back in October, we did a halloween challenge which I personally loved. We picked a topic out of a hat and had half of a period to plan and the following class (Halloween day) was for filming and editing. I worked with Vanessa Yanes and Nethumi Ratnayake on "urban legends" so we decided to go with the classic Bloody Mary. It was cheesy but so much fun to do and that's why I included it here because I want to be able to rewatch it and remind myself how much fun it was in case I get frustrated and forget to have fun and give this project my all (Halloween challenge). 

I'll update you later, 


Distribution Project!

 The project is finally here! I hope you enjoy!  He Was A Skater Boi Distribution Project Folder (Google Drive) He Was A Skater Boi (Trailer...